Natural Antibiotics To Fight Infection, And What Drug Companies Don’t Want You To Know

Antibiotics fight against bacteria that can lead to severe diseases or death, so they are lifesavers. Back in 1909 in search of a treatment for syphilis, it was created the first synthetic antibiotic, Salvarsan.

This antibiotic was very helpful, and it was used until the 40s when it was replaced with penicillin. Numerous antibiotics have been used to treat different diseases. Revealing antibiotics meant a huge advance in modern medicine.

As time went by Western medicine started using antibiotics to treat even infections that were not caused by bacteria. But, antibiotics work just against bacteria, and they do not kill off viruses, mold, or fungi.

Unfortunately, overprescribing and misusing antibiotics have lowered their efficacy which leads to microbes become resistant and they stopped responding.

Just like any other living organism, bacteria adapt to every situation in order to survive. There are so many people that die because of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

This is everyone’s issue, and it requires efforts of ecologists, educationalists, microbiologists, etc.

However, since ancient times people used antibiotics, but natural ones. There were found traces of tetracycline in bones dating from the Common Era.

Useful Natural Antibiotics

You should keep in mind that some of the herbs and spices you will read in this article may interfere with some of your meds, so you need to be careful. Also, they may be dangerous if taken in high doses.

As a prevention, you should consult your doctor before deciding to treat yourself in a natural way.

1. Ginger

The other name for ginger is “the mighty root.” This is a rhizome plant, and it has numerous therapeutic properties. It is a natural antibiotic, and it is better than ampicillin, tetracycline, and chloramphenicol I fighting against bacteria.

In one Italian study, it was revealed that ginger is effective against superbugs that do not respond to conventional treatment.

2. Garlic

Garlic belongs to the family of leek, onion, shallot, and scallion. It has sulfur which is responsible for its smell as well as its immune boosting traits. Garlic is excellent in fighting against resistant bacteria too.

In addition, it can prevent the bacteria become resistant to antibiotics. Also, this vegetable is great for preventing cancer, and it is antifungal, antiviral, as well as an antiparasitic agent. Anyway, if you decide to use garlic, you need to follow some rules.

3. The Well Known ACV

Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apples, and it is great for killing Staphylococcus aureus as well as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and some yeasts and fungi.

Luckily, ACV does not destroy mucous tissue which is a great treatment for a sore throat caused by pathogens. You can consume it in small doses each day because it is great for detoxification.

4. The Leaves of Olives

You have heard about the benefits of olive oil, but do you know about the benefits of the leaves? Extract of olive leaf help in metabolizing the blood sugar because it acts as an antioxidant and it controls the LDL cholesterol.

Also, the leaves contain phenolic compounds that prevent and kill bad bacteria as well as viruses.

5. Onion

Onions belong to the same group as garlic, and they have the same phytochemical properties. It is great for lowering fever, clearing ear infection, easing nausea, easing breathing issues, etc.

Additionally, you can use the thin onion’s membrane and apply it to abrasion or a cut in order to ease the pain, stop bleeding, as well as kill germs.

6. Good Old Vitamin-C

Vitamin-C is the most effective nutrient in fighting against pathogens. It improved the immune system. Also, vitamin-C stimulates the natural antibody response.

Some foods that are rich in vitamin-C are berries, peas, tomato, bell peppers, broccoli, citrus fruits, kiwi, papaya, dark leafy green veggies and so on.

7. GSE

GSE is short for grapefruit seed extract, and it is another product made from grapefruit juice, and it is consumed orally in order to treat the viral or bacterial infection. Even though seeds can be eaten, they are bitter and acidic.

Moreover, this extract is used in agriculture to fight against mold, bacteria, parasites, and fungus, and to disinfect water and preserve food.

According to a study, the antibacterial properties of GSE are like proven antibacterial for many gram-positive as well as gram-negative organisms.

8.Horseradish and Habañero

Horseradish belongs to the family of mustard, and it helps in clearing the sinuses, expel mucus, and improve the facial circulation. Usually, it is used in treating lung congestion, influenza, and colds.

Also, it can be used in treating wounds, but it may cause skin irritation too. On the other hand, habanero is great in fighting against bacteria like Escherichia coli, salmonella, and Yersinia.

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