The 10 Habits That Damages Kidney

The kidneys are a vital organ for our wellbeing. They filter about 150 quarts of blood daily, and remove waste and toxins through the urine. They are located just below the rib cage, and are also important for the electrolyte production in our body, the creation of new red blood cells and our blood pressure as well.

Due to their importance, we need to pay more attention to the health of our kidneys. We usually ignore the signs of kidney failure and have certain habits that are ruining the organ’s health, which is why it’s important to pay more attention to them.

Here are 10 ordinary habits that damage our kidneys:

Too much alcohol

A drink or two per day is good, but anything more than that can certainly harm the kidneys. Additionally, alcohol can destroy your liver as well.

Not answering to the call of nature

Holding in urine can cause kidney stones, failure and put too much pressure on your kidneys.

Lack of water

Dehydration will cause toxins and chemicals to accumulate in the kidneys, resulting in numerous serious problems.

Too much sugar

Just like alcohol, too much sugar can destroy your kidneys. Drinking more than 2 cans of soda per day can cause minor kidney problems which can progress if left untreated.

Too much salt

Too much salt in the body can overwork the kidneys and cause serious damage to them.

Improper sleep

Not getting proper rest overnight can impair the function of the kidneys as you’re not allowing the tissues to heal.

Mineral and vitamin deficiencies

As our kidneys depend on the food we eat, nutritional deficiencies such as lack of vitamin B6 or magnesium can impair the function of your kidneys.

Too much coffee

Drinking coffee too often can strain the kidneys too much and damage them.

Painkiller abuse

Painkillers are highly dangerous for several organs in the body, including the liver and kidneys.

Too much animal protein

Consuming red meat frequently can boost the metabolic load on the kidneys and damage them beyond repair.

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