Use Pineapple Water For Detox, Joint Pain Removal And Weight Loss And Also…Curing Inflammation

Today’s remedy is actually a very simple drink that everyone can prepare at home. We’re talking about pineapple water, one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory remedies that exist. Pineapple is a tropical fruit rich in essential nutrients as well as antioxidants and bromelain, a potent anti-inflammatory agent that can help in the treatment of arthritis, gout and similar inflammatory diseases. Drinking the pineapple water before every meal should reduce the pain in your joints and relieve the inflammation, but besides that, the beverage has other health benefits to offer.

Here’s what pineapple water can help you with:

Fights inflammation

One of the main health benefits of the drink is to fight inflammation in the body, which is especially useful in cases of gout or arthritis. Drink a glass of the beverage every morning, and you will never suffer from joint pain again.

Promotes weight loss

Thanks to its diuretic properties, the pineapple water can prevent the accumulation of fluids in your body and boost your metabolism as well, which will eventually result in weight loss.

Fights parasitic infections

If you’re suffering from intestinal parasitic infections, pineapple water is your best friend. Drink it in cases of a parasitic infection and you should feel much better in just a few days.

Boosts the function of your thyroid

The presence of bromelain and iodine in pineapple makes the fruit an ideal remedy against a variety of thyroid problems.

Balances your electrolyte levels

Pineapple water can regulate your potassium levels. It contains antioxidants as well as a lot of potassium which can help your body function as it should.

Improves digestion

Drinking pineapple water every day can improve your protein digestion and nutrients absorption. This means that it can improve your energy levels in the morning and help you get through the day.

Strengthens your teeth and gums

The tropical fruit is rich in calcium, an essential mineral for our teeth and bones. Drinking pineapple water regularly will strengthen your teeth and gums and significantly improve your oral health.

Improves your eyesight

Pineapples are rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that can treat and prevent macular degeneration and boost your eyesight as well.

May assist with the prevention of cancer

According to several studies, the bromelain from pineapples works better than chemotherapy when treating certain types of cancer.

Here’s how to prepare the beverage:


  • 1 l. of water
  • 1 pineapple
  • 5 mint leaves


Clean the pineapple and cut it on slices, then mix everything in a bigger jar. Now, close the jar and leave it in the fridge for a day to infuse, and then you can consume it. Drink a glass of the pineapple water every morning before breakfast and you will feel much better soon.

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