You Can Prevent Heart Attacks In Just One Minute With This Natural Ingredient!

Most of us do not realize that we can prevent a myocardial infarction by only using one item alone and in one minute.

It really is cayenne pepper. This is the best well-known pepper, and in critical situations can save a life!

Medical experts additionally know this and are astonished from the healing properties of cayenne pepper, so they additionally promote it.

Experts who work with herbs, conserve people with this by giving cayenne pepper tea to them, and in just one minute the patient’s life is quickly saved.

The good thing about it is that cayenne works well but this is simply not tested or even proved within medical laboratories and this may be the strange part about it. Still, evidence and instances of imminent success are sufficient for now.


This pepper contains 90.000 units of Scoville, and many other peppers like for example Jalapeno, Scotch Bonet, Habanero, Jamaican hot, African bird or the Thai Chi contain same values. You can Purchase them from health food stores, markets as well as food stores.

If a person suddenly has a heart attack, it is best to immediately give them a glass of water with one teaspoon cayenne in it. The person needs to be conscious and simply drink this mixture.

If the person has become unconscious, put a few cayenne pepper extracts drops under the tongue.

The cayenne pepper can level heart rate and blood circulation or simply stop bleeding that is leading to serious heart attack. Specialists say that an individual can never lose anything by attempting this technique, but only benefit.


This cure is ideal for urgent problems and circumstances. Cayenne grows in South America as well as India and it is famous globally.

This chili is a tropical and bush plant. The ground type has much more capsaicin than any other peppers as well. The small peppers tend to be hotter compared to bigger peppers. Always obtain the smallest types.


  • Vodka with 50% alcohol
  • Cayenne powder
  • Three cayenne peppers
  • A glass bottle and some gloves


Use the gloves to protect your hands. Put 1/4 cayenne powder in the glass bottle and include the alcoholic drink. Blend the alcoholic drink and the peppers in a food blender and mix. Then in the bottle simply put 2/4 from the mixture.

Afterwards, fill the last quarter with the alcoholic drink and shake up the container few times daily.

Store this do-it-yourself remedy in a dark room for just two weeks and then strain this afterward. Place in a dark container and for more powerful remedy place it in a darker place three months soon after straining it.

Don’t worry, this won’t spoil when it is kept in dark places!


When someone has a stroke or a heart attack, you need to give them 10 drops of the remedy after which give then another 10 right after 5 min. Continue doing this dose every 5 minutes till the person is much better.

If they are unconscious, then put three drops underneath the tongue and perform CPR. Repeat this procedure for five minutes till the person is much better.


– Capsaicin prevents tumors to grow through smoking. Additionally, this also is valid for cancer in the liver.

– Protects against Colletotrichum as well as Phomopsis to prevent fungi

– Can treat minor issues

– Great for digestion, calming and eliminating gasses as well as making much more gastric juices

– Prevents cancer diseases as well as good for people who smoke and those who have lung cancer. – – – Helps against arthritis, belly problems, toothaches, obesity, migraines, flu, inflammation and allergic reaction


26 outlined nutrients and several minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Also, rich with vitamin C and vitamin A.

Cayenne is the best pepper that is an effective natural product for the cardiovascular health. Always remember to have it ready, at hand, for prevention.

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